Tarot  Video


Wheel of Fortune

The Higher Self gazes lovingly down upon its life on the Earth plane, reflected in the turning Labyrinth wheel inundated with elemental and earthly plant and flesh beings. The red guardian angels are always in observance, interacting with our tides of life, from chaos to order, being on top and then hitting bottom, moving from sleep to wake..all within the passages of timeless fate, destiny and the spiritual truth of free choice and will and the assimulation of this knowledge within. The beings we attract into our world are there for our growth and development, working as precursors of our creative aspirations, and how we choose to interact with this holy gift of Life. From a higher perspective what is seemingly chaotic may be seen as perfect order and strategy. The Higher self gazing through the veil assesses the situation, the point on the map and the direction of the wheel, then silently reassures us of the golden opportunities ahead.


"Wheel of Fortune"
Oil on canvas, 3 ft. x 5.2 ft., 2000.
An-Magrith Erlandsen
This image and all images on this website are invented and created by An-Magrith Erlandsen.
All images here are copyright and part of the Tarot of the Pomegranate trademark.
To purchase an original signed limited edition HR print of this image go to the Bazaar.



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